Myths of the World Wiki

In Greek mythology, Cretheus or Krētheus (Greek: Κρηθεύς) was the king and founder of Iolcus, the son of Aeolus (son of Hellen) and Enarete. His wives were Sidero, Tyro and either Demodice or Biadice. His parents were Aeolus and Enarete. With Tyro, he fathered Aeson, Pheres, and Amythaon.


ca:Creteu cs:Krétheus de:Kretheus el:Κρηθέας es:Creteo eo:Kreteo fr:Créthée ko:크레테우스 id:Kretheus it:Creteo ja:クレーテウス pl:Kreteus pt:Creteu ru:Крефей sr:Кретеј (митологија) fi:Kretheus uk:Кретей (міфологія)
